Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm so done with this stupid cleanse

I am so done with this cleanse already!! I guess I was stupid not to realize that while cleansing I would feel like crap while the toxins are leaving my body.  My head hearts and my eyes are so itchy and red. 
Also, I want to chew something for a long time.  The fish, vegetable, and green tea lunch was fine for a while but now I want a big ol'plate of Nachos and a margarita. I am so bored with it already. I'm starting to think "is this really doing anything for me other than improving my appearance."
I guess I'll just keep plugging along, I only have 8 more days to go.

1 comment:

  1. You have come this far. Keep it up. I feel for you. It sounds so not appealing, but you only have a little bit to go. See it thru and then decide if it was a waste of time. Yippe for losing 10 LBS!
