Friday, April 29, 2011

Coca-Cola rejects growing calls for bisphenol A disclosure

Coca-Cola is facing mounting pressure on bisphenol A (BPA) after 26 per cent of its shareholders called on the company to reveal its plans over the continued use of the chemical in its packaging.

Of course they don't want to admit they are causing gene mutations in millions of people and they certainly don't want to have to change that because it costs money.  You can read in my earlier posts about the problem with environmental toxins on weight loss but Bisphenol A is also a known carcinogen.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Conjugated Linoleic Acid for weight loss: it's no magic diet pill

Conjugated Linoleic Acid for weight loss: it's no magic diet pill

I recently wrote about Conjugated Linoleic Acid on my blog as a way to lose fat along with taking GLA and DHA supplements. In this article they say that people who took CLA and did nothing else lost 2-4 pounds a year and that since that is not significant weight loss it's not important.  So I want to make some comments about the article here,

1)  2-4 pounds a year is what most people gain. So if we could stop the gain isn't that worth taking a pill that has as it's only ingredient something that is essential to our body?  We can't function properly without it and 80% of Americans are deficient in this ESSENTIAL fatty acid.
2) GLA Targets stomach fat!! If you could loose 4 pounds of stomach fat a year wouldn't that be great?  Stomach fat is known to be more metabolically active  and dangerous that other fat.
3) I would never suggest someone who is over weight take only a pill.  This supplement in combination with a balanced diet and light to moderate exercise could aid in more than 2-4 pounds of weight loss a year.
4) Other studies have shown that people who took CLA lost 9% body fat.

Bottom line is take 5 grams of each DHA, GLA, and CLA supplements a day.  They all help us metabolize fat better, reduce inflammation, are essential for health, reduce risk of heart attack, improve memory, and many other positives. The negatives?  Umm there aren't any.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Support your weight loss

Potential reasons for global weight gain
  1. Environmental toxins
  2. Viruses and Bacteria in the gut
  3. Fear of fats
  4. Toxic Liver
  5. Water logged tissue
  6. Excess Insulin and inflammation
  7. Stress - producing cortisol
  8. Lack of Support
One of the main reasons people state their diets fail is lack of support.  This is also why organizations like weight watchers have been so successful in helping people lose weight.  Support is always important, studies have shown that people who have wider support and social circles have lower stress levels, healthier immune systems and live longer. Add lose more weight that list. Support for weight loss is important because presumably when you are trying to lose weight there are life style changes you will be making.  Some of which may affect others in your life. Here are some ways to make your weight loss more successful,
  • Ask your family to be your morale supports
  • Start or join  a group - this could be a group at your place of worship or at your office
  • Support your body with the correct supplements
  • Pamper yourself often with a massage, facial, or some sort of relaxation
  • Reflect on the positive changes you have made in your life

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Amazing Liver

Potential reasons for global weight gain
  1. Environmental toxins
  2. Viruses and Bacteria in the gut
  3. Fear of fats
  4. Toxic Liver
  5. Water logged tissue
  6. Excess Insulin and inflammation
  7. Stress - producing cortisol
  8. Lack of Support
 Our liver is probably the most under appreciated organ in the body and actually it is really quite amazing.  The liver performs over 400 functions in the body one of which is the detoxification for our body of chemicals, OTC and Rx meds, Alcohol, and hormones. It converts the toxins into more easily eliminated water soluble forms for disposal.  Liver toxicity from acetaminophen poisoning is by far the most common cause of acute liver failure in the United States.  The liver produces bile which helps to emulsify fats in the small intestine.  Fats are one of the most difficult nutrients for the body to digest. As I mentioned, the liver performs over 400 functions and you can not live without it. Unfortunately the liver is so strong that we would not know there is a problem until 75% of the tissue is damaged.  It has no way to signal us unlike the heart or the lungs.  It's probably safe to assume that our livers are over worked considering how little we think about them and often we abuse them.  Here are some things you can do to support your liver before it's too late.
  • Take a complete multi-vitamin every day
  • Make sure your supplements include zinc, selenium, maganese, glutathione, glutamine, and taurine
  • Drink lemon and water, a bile thinning beverage
  • Reduce over the counter meds
  • Mix a little cranberry juice in you water, cranberry opens up the detox pathway
  • Consider taking milk thistle or dandelion supplements
  • Eat plenty of vitamin c rich foods

Saturday, April 16, 2011

There IS a magic bullet for abdominal weight loss!!

Potential reasons for global weight gain
  1. Environmental toxins
  2. Viruses and Bacteria in the gut
  3. Fear of fats
  4. Toxic Liver
  5. Water logged tissue
  6. Excess Insulin and inflammation
  7. Stress - producing cortisol
  8. Lack of Support
 Our diet has changed considerably in the last 50 years for several reasons; 
  • Increased food processing abilities.  
  • The USDA and many others have championed a low fat diet, especially animal fat
  • How we farm and what we feed our animals has changed
These three changes have had a big impact on the food chain and I could go on at length about why I think they are not for the public good. But I will restrain myself and focus my post today on the consumption of fats as a way to lose weight.  Ok, so there are fats that we call Essential Fatty Acids.  They are essential because we must consume them, our bodies can not make them and if we don't have them in the body other systems will malfunction. These essential fatty acids are required for biological processes not only for fuel. A study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that an estimated 80% of Americans are deficient in essential fatty acids.  Some of the biological processes performed by essential fatty acids are 
  • Carry fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K through the blood stream
  • Activate the flow of Bile (bile helps break down other ingested fats so it can be used)
  • Help your body conserve protein (building lean muscle mass)
  • Slow absorption of carbohydrates to balance blood sugar levels
  • Provide building blocks for hormone production
  • Govern serotonin, the "feel good" neurochemcial that controls cravings and elevates mood.
 So what are the essential fatty acids and what do they do?
  1. GLA-Gamma Linolenic Acid: found in Borage oil, evening primrose oil, black current seed oil. GLA stimulates the metabolic to burn up to 50% more of the bodies calories. And guess what it's also good for skin, heart, joints, eyes, and PMS!
  2. CLA- Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Found in sunflower seed oil.  Tonalin in a good brand name that you can get at any health food store or vitamin shop.CLA reduces the amount of fat your body stores and utilzes stored fat as energy for muscles increasing lean muscle mass.  CLA targets abdominal fat!! Studies have shown adults taking the supplement lost 9% of their body fat and kept it off. In addition to managing body fat CLA fights free radicals, manages diabetes, improves immune system, increases energy, and decreases atherosclerosis. Wow! Our intake of CLA used to come from cream and butter when cows used to eat free range grass. Now they are fed corn and grain and the nutritional quality has changed.
  3. DHA and EPA- Found in Fish oil. DHA increases oxidation of fat, reduces the number of fat cells especially in the abdominal region, and improves insulin response.  In addition DHA and EPA are good for the heart, brain, blood vessels, blood vessels, joints, respiratory systems, eyes, and skin.
Wow, right? If we need these acids and they only do positive things for us why aren't more people talking about them?  Probably because there is no big Pharma money, but that's another post.  If you want to lose weight especially in the abdominal region, I am going to prescribe a magic bullet. 

Magic Bullet for weight loss, especially abdominal weight.
  • GLA - 4 grams a day
  • CLA - 5 grams a day
  • EPA & DHA 5 grams a day

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Hidden Trigger of Obesity: Intestinal Bugs

Potential reasons for global weight gain
  1. Environmental toxins
  2. Viruses and Bacteria in the gut
  3. Fear of fats
  4. Toxic Liver
  5. Water logged tissue
  6. Excess Insulin and inflammation
  7. Stress - producing cortisol
  8. Lack of Support
Viruses and Bacteria in the gut are extremely hot research topics right now there is even a term Infectobesity.  Do a search on the web for gut bacteria and weight and a plethora of articles come up.  One from Time magazine in 2010, A Hidden Trigger of Obesity: Intestinal Bugs, examines how gut bacteria can trigger the bodies inflammatory response causing insulin resistance.  This resistance makes adequate nutrition harder to obtain so people feel hungry more often and eat more.  A study released today that was done in Europe looked at infant rats that were fed probiotics versus infant rats that were put in contact with e-coli viruses. The Rats with healthier gut flora showed lower weight and fat gain.  There is a virus it is called the AD36 gut virus that can cause your body to replicate fat cells and you can get a blood test to determine if you have had this virus. Parasites although rarer than viruses in the gut can cause increased appetite, inability to lose weight, and malnourishment. Parasites can come from raw fish, undercooked meat, non properly washed vegetables, and your pet.  What to do about it?
  •  If you are having a hard time loosing weight or are gaining weight at a rapid rate consider asking your doctor for a virus and parasite panel.  
  • Take care of your small intestine by taking a probiotic and prebiotic supplement every day.
  • Consider doing a one month herbal anti parasite, anti microbial cleanse.  Use microbial supplements on the weekends and probiotics during the week.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Can't lose that weight? 8 reasons other than calories consumed!

I'm sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that obesity is a health crisis in the United States and many other developed nations.  The World Health Organization estimates there are 1 billion over weight adults and of those 300 million are obese. Everyone I know has been on some sort of "diet" at one time or another. Well the crisis may be about more than how much we eat and how little we exercise.  Below I list 8 factors that cause excess weight to hang around or even put excess weight on us. I have written about stress and insulin in past posts so every day for the next 6 days I will write briefly about the other factors listed.

Potential reasons for global weight gain
  1. Environmental toxins
  2. Viruses and Bacteria in the gut
  3. Fear of fats
  4. Toxic Liver
  5. Water logged tissue
  6. Excess Insulin and inflammation
  7. Stress - producing cortisol
  8. Lack of Support
There is a reason Environmental toxins is at the top of the list.  They come in many forms and are a part of our lives.  They can contribute to everything from psoriasis to cancer and did you also know that they may be disrupting your hormone systems and causing you to be over weight? Environmental toxins have been called Endocrine disruptors, chemical calories, and obsegens. They come into our everyday lives in the forms of chemicals and synthetic hormones. Chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are found in everything from produce to beauty products. Pesticides such as DDT are called organo-chlorine's. DDT hasn't been used for 50 years in the U.S. but it's still in the soil and guess what, we manufactured DDT here in the U.S. until the 1970's and then sold our manufacturing plants to countries where it was not banned. It now comes back to us in the produce from countries like India. Currently we use different organo-chlorines but they are all endocrine disruptors.  
Other chemicals we see on a daily basis are things like Bisphenol A, found in plastic containers, and phthalates, found in shampoo's, nail polish, and soap. Bisphenol A is a nasty estrogen mimicking chemical which happens to be one of the top 50 produced chemicals in the world and can cause everything from cancer to birth defects.  Phthalates cause obesity and insulin resistance and are absorbed through the cuticle.
Other than Chemicals we also come in contact with drugs such as DES, the pill, and hormone replacement therapy. These drugs are synthetic hormones that can wreak havoc on our hormonal systems. Non Organic raised cows are implanted with a synthetic estrogen chip to allow them to produce more milk and meat rapidly. The excess estrogen in cows has lead to more weight gain especially around the middle. We eat this estrogen in the meat.  Our society is estrogen and androgen (male estrogen related hormone) overloaded and this is not good; too much estrogen causes cancer and weight around the middle .  
One study found that Infants are now born with up to 260 toxic chemicals in their blood that have never been found before in newborns. So how do we avoid these endocrine disruptors?  
  • Buy organic produce. Check out to get a list of the best produce to buy organic.  There are some that are safe to buy non organic.
  • Buy only organic grass fed meat.  
  • Swap your plastic containers for glass. Never buy anything bottled in plastic with a number 7 or 3 on the bottom.  Buy only Paraben-free nail polish, shampoo, soap, and cosmetics
  • Stop having your nails done unless they use Paraben-free products.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Can we unplug and tune in?

Today in our society there are many people under a great deal of chronic stress, our society almost demands it. Our very economic system is built on competition. Technology has enabled companies to expect more from their employees, employees are plugged in with corporate laptops and blackberries. You have to raise your kids right and take them here and there, go to their soccer games while working on your blackberry. This pressure to perform and compete follows us around via our phones dinging and chirping every couple minutes to let us know someone wants something. Our stress response evolved thousands of years ago and has not changed all that much. The constant plugging in is today's equivalent of a saber tooth tiger following us around snarling every couple minutes. Surely we can see this constant being plugged in creates stress but we can't unplug, society and corporations will crumble! Or will they?

What is the cost of stress on our own health?
Of people who visit the doctors yearly 90% have chronic problems and many of these chronic problems either stem from stress or are made worse by stress. The physical changes that occur during stress, inhibited immune system, increased heart rate, increased breathing rate, inhibited reproduction, increased blood flow to the major muscles, decreased blood flow to the organs, halted digestion, and inhibited insulin action, are great for having the edge during an acute stress situation. However, our bodies were not made to operate this way long term. Here are just a few medical conditions that are caused by or are accelerated by stress, heart attack, stroke, asthma, high blood pressure, poor digestion, diabetes, metabolic disorders reproductive problems, memory loss, depression, accelerated aging. Some people many think, “Stress is all in the mind” and this is actually not correct. There are neuropeptides all over the body that are constantly communicating. Information is going back and forth between the endocrine system, brain, and immune system all the time. Others do not understand the full potential of the negative impact of stress saying “oh well we are all going to get old, get ill, and die anyway so what if I loose a year, two, or three at the end of my life” To that I would say, “it is not about when you die, it is about the quality of your life. By quality of life I mean your health, your tuning in and living in the moment, your connections with society, your appreciation, and your love.” We all have choices to make about our lives but I would suggest that we take a step back and look at where we are headed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Do we like what we see? Are there changes we can make to live a quality life?

What is the cost of stress on our society that breeds it?
The Occupational Safety and Hazard Association (OSHA) says we spend $300 billion annually on diseases related to stress, a Canadian Study found that stress accounts for the highest percent of health insurance costs in big corporations, a 1992 British study estimated the amount totaled 10% of their GDP. Graham Clarke, the National Health, Safety & Environmental Manager states, “80% of all modern diseases have their origins in stress.” These are just few of the stress related costs to our society, then there's the diseases that go along with stress and these not only drain the healthcare system but the people as well. Migraines, depression, insomnia, digestive disorders, addictions, irritable bowel syndrome, and arthritis (just to name a few) hurt the quality, happiness, and fulfillment of life for our neighbors, family members, and friends. Are we ready to just drudge along through life with decreased enjoyment and health? I'm not.

What are the benefits to tuning in and alleviating stress?
Above I outlined all of the negative things associated with chronic stress so clearly the benefits to reducing stress are improved health, improved quality of health, lengthened lifespan, lowered medical cost to yourself and society. But in addition to these benefits, learning stress coping techniques and reducing stressors in our lives will give us time to “Tune in”. When we tune into our lives we recognize the beauty in our life, the love we give and receive, our values, our wisdom, and our strengths that make up our soul and we can develop a mind body connection that gives us peace and happiness.

Ways to alleviate stress
We know that stress is any event that requires us to adapt or change. You can't get away from stress it is a part of our lives. What you can do is learn how to deal with it effectively reducing your risk of medical conditions, that shorten your lifespan or reduce the quality of your life. Here are some ideas of activities that can help you cope with stress.
  • Breathing
  • Stretching
  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Self hypnosis
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Music
  • Aromatherapy
  • Laughter
  • Thought field therapy
You can also work to develop a stress hardy personality. There are some people who seem to deal better with prolonged stress in the study it was noted that they all had commitment to their lives and themselves, they felt they had a sense of control even if directives were given, they looked for challenges to grow and be stronger. Perhaps knowing these three things can help us deal with stress. We are conditioned to respond to stress the way we have for a long time however, if we can recognize when stress occurs and try to refocus on the idea that we still have some control and see it as an opportunity to learn and grow we may be far better off. Scientists have know for a long time there is a connection between health and personality type.

I submit that with all the information we have about stress it may be wise for each of us to find a way to unplug every once and a while and learn several stress coping strategies.
  1. Take those two weeks vacation each year without the blackberry.
  2. Join your companies HR sponsored work-life balance team.
  3. Try to get a room for meditation that can be used at certain times throughout the day.
  4. Have a yoga class at lunchtime on site.
  5. Once an hour take 10 deep cleansing breaths.
  6. Talk to HR about getting a chair massage person in once a month.
  7. Have aromatherapy oils in your office.
Is there anyone who doesn't want to live happy and healthy? Healthy living involves engaging in a healthy nutritional plan, socially active lifestyle, regular exercise, sufficient rest and sleep, and finally, proactive strategies to reduce the impact of chronic stress. And healthy lifestyles are a good foundation for a happy life as well.

* It should be noted here that I wrote primarily about chronic stress that we put on ourselves, put on each other or have put on us through our job and job position. There are many other kinds of stress such as death of a loved one, traumatic childhood events, or stress that happened to us prenatally like the “winter hunger”children. I do recognize that there are other kinds of stress by the benefits of alleviating stress and ways to do that remain the same.
* Also I obviously wrote only about Distress not Eustress but recognize that although different both can be stressful

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Which way to Zen?

In our current society many of us are under a great deal of stress on a regular basis. If you're anything like me the word Zen conjures up an idea of enlightened peace, a meditative calm, and an overall feeling of contentedness. But as we are rushing to get the kids ready for school, getting ourselves out the door looking some what presentable, and rushing to work for a day of deadlines and sales goals  is Zen really possible and how do you get there?  In my last post I discussed the problems that arise when we go day to day being stressed and don't learn how to properly deal with it. Unfortunately there is no magic pill, they don't prescribe Valium anymore. So I guess the path to calm is paved with work.
Things to know about stress,
  • Emotionally it stems from fear - fear for your survival. 
  • Physically it is about adaptation - you need to adapt quickly
  • Nutritionally you need more nutrients - your body is metabolizing differently
  • Environmentally your body's lower brains are always taking in data - this can stimulate autonomic nervous system
  • Spiritually it stems from a lack of trust that there is order to the universe.
So if we recognize where stress comes from and why we get stressed we can then choose how we respond to psychological stress.  For instance if your company is doing lay offs you might start to consider the possibility that you could get laid off but there are two very different reactions. The stress inducing reaction is "Oh my God I can't lose my job, I have bills, how will we eat, where will we have to live" or we can choose a reaction that controls the stress "Ok I might get laid off but there is order to the universe, a door doesn't close without a window opening, if I get laid off I can take this as an opportunity to reevaluate my current path." Many times long term stress is a value system problem. 
Emotions and survival adaptations are produced and recorded in our mammalian brain.  How we have reacted to stress in the past has unfortunately conditioned the way we interpret information and respond today.  The way we have been conditioned to think and respond depends on how healthy we are and how healthy we are conditions  how we respond.  All of that being said, it is important to recognize that we can change the way we respond but it takes work.
In addition to working on our responses to stressful situations there are other things that we can do to help keep our adrenal glands from becoming over used and wearing out,
  • Eat protein each morning by 8am and every 5 hours after while awake - helps keep cortisol in balance
  • Avoid sugar and starch
  • Avoid foods you are sensitive to
  • Maintain correct posture and avoid prolonged sitting
  • Control pain when you have it
  • Go to bed by 10pm
  • Get a good nights sleep
The last suggestion may seem easier said than done when you are under stress but here are some suggestions for getting a good nights sleep.
  • A few drops of 100% pure Lavender Oil on your pillow
  • Calcium 500-1000mg and magnesium 250-500mg at bed time
  • Add 5-HTP 50-200mg at bedtime - Do not take 5-HTP if you are taking anti-depressants
  • Add inositol 500-3000mg after dinner
  • Add phosphatidyl serine 100-200mg at bet time
  • Add Taurine 500-1000mg after dinner
  • Add GABA 500-1000mg after dinner or if you wake up in the middle of the night
If you have been or are currently stressed for an extended period of time your hormones may need some additional support. Consider adding some of these supplements also,
  • A good multi vitamin and mineral supplement
  • Extra omega-3 fatty acids to help with chemical reactions in the body
  • Stress B complex if you have a lot of stress
  • Carnitine an amino acids that helps burn fats for energy improves mood and lowers triglycerides levels
  • Chromium (not a picolinate form) to help with insulin problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity
  • Coenzyme Q-10 and antioxidant to protect against heart disease and raise energy and mood.  A must if you are taking Statin drugs for Cholesterol
  • Glutamine an amino acid that helps with carbohydrate cravings and heals the intestinal lining
  • Lipoic Acid a strong antioxidant that helps repair and improve energy use.  Important in treating insulin resistance conditions
  • Taurine an amino acid to improve insulin sensitivity and help rid the body of excess water
  • Vitamin C an antioxidant to improve immunity and help under times of stress
  • Vitamin E a strong antioxidant for heart and brain health