Saturday, April 16, 2011

There IS a magic bullet for abdominal weight loss!!

Potential reasons for global weight gain
  1. Environmental toxins
  2. Viruses and Bacteria in the gut
  3. Fear of fats
  4. Toxic Liver
  5. Water logged tissue
  6. Excess Insulin and inflammation
  7. Stress - producing cortisol
  8. Lack of Support
 Our diet has changed considerably in the last 50 years for several reasons; 
  • Increased food processing abilities.  
  • The USDA and many others have championed a low fat diet, especially animal fat
  • How we farm and what we feed our animals has changed
These three changes have had a big impact on the food chain and I could go on at length about why I think they are not for the public good. But I will restrain myself and focus my post today on the consumption of fats as a way to lose weight.  Ok, so there are fats that we call Essential Fatty Acids.  They are essential because we must consume them, our bodies can not make them and if we don't have them in the body other systems will malfunction. These essential fatty acids are required for biological processes not only for fuel. A study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that an estimated 80% of Americans are deficient in essential fatty acids.  Some of the biological processes performed by essential fatty acids are 
  • Carry fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K through the blood stream
  • Activate the flow of Bile (bile helps break down other ingested fats so it can be used)
  • Help your body conserve protein (building lean muscle mass)
  • Slow absorption of carbohydrates to balance blood sugar levels
  • Provide building blocks for hormone production
  • Govern serotonin, the "feel good" neurochemcial that controls cravings and elevates mood.
 So what are the essential fatty acids and what do they do?
  1. GLA-Gamma Linolenic Acid: found in Borage oil, evening primrose oil, black current seed oil. GLA stimulates the metabolic to burn up to 50% more of the bodies calories. And guess what it's also good for skin, heart, joints, eyes, and PMS!
  2. CLA- Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Found in sunflower seed oil.  Tonalin in a good brand name that you can get at any health food store or vitamin shop.CLA reduces the amount of fat your body stores and utilzes stored fat as energy for muscles increasing lean muscle mass.  CLA targets abdominal fat!! Studies have shown adults taking the supplement lost 9% of their body fat and kept it off. In addition to managing body fat CLA fights free radicals, manages diabetes, improves immune system, increases energy, and decreases atherosclerosis. Wow! Our intake of CLA used to come from cream and butter when cows used to eat free range grass. Now they are fed corn and grain and the nutritional quality has changed.
  3. DHA and EPA- Found in Fish oil. DHA increases oxidation of fat, reduces the number of fat cells especially in the abdominal region, and improves insulin response.  In addition DHA and EPA are good for the heart, brain, blood vessels, blood vessels, joints, respiratory systems, eyes, and skin.
Wow, right? If we need these acids and they only do positive things for us why aren't more people talking about them?  Probably because there is no big Pharma money, but that's another post.  If you want to lose weight especially in the abdominal region, I am going to prescribe a magic bullet. 

Magic Bullet for weight loss, especially abdominal weight.
  • GLA - 4 grams a day
  • CLA - 5 grams a day
  • EPA & DHA 5 grams a day

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that information. Knowing the factors that affects your weight loss diet is definitely very nice. Maintain your health always; take Lorna Vanderhaeghe.
