Friday, April 15, 2011

A Hidden Trigger of Obesity: Intestinal Bugs

Potential reasons for global weight gain
  1. Environmental toxins
  2. Viruses and Bacteria in the gut
  3. Fear of fats
  4. Toxic Liver
  5. Water logged tissue
  6. Excess Insulin and inflammation
  7. Stress - producing cortisol
  8. Lack of Support
Viruses and Bacteria in the gut are extremely hot research topics right now there is even a term Infectobesity.  Do a search on the web for gut bacteria and weight and a plethora of articles come up.  One from Time magazine in 2010, A Hidden Trigger of Obesity: Intestinal Bugs, examines how gut bacteria can trigger the bodies inflammatory response causing insulin resistance.  This resistance makes adequate nutrition harder to obtain so people feel hungry more often and eat more.  A study released today that was done in Europe looked at infant rats that were fed probiotics versus infant rats that were put in contact with e-coli viruses. The Rats with healthier gut flora showed lower weight and fat gain.  There is a virus it is called the AD36 gut virus that can cause your body to replicate fat cells and you can get a blood test to determine if you have had this virus. Parasites although rarer than viruses in the gut can cause increased appetite, inability to lose weight, and malnourishment. Parasites can come from raw fish, undercooked meat, non properly washed vegetables, and your pet.  What to do about it?
  •  If you are having a hard time loosing weight or are gaining weight at a rapid rate consider asking your doctor for a virus and parasite panel.  
  • Take care of your small intestine by taking a probiotic and prebiotic supplement every day.
  • Consider doing a one month herbal anti parasite, anti microbial cleanse.  Use microbial supplements on the weekends and probiotics during the week.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to know the other factors that affect your diet. Thanks a lot for sharing that information. Take vitamins and supplements such as Lorna Vanderhaeghe products to support your health.
