Thursday, April 28, 2011

Conjugated Linoleic Acid for weight loss: it's no magic diet pill

Conjugated Linoleic Acid for weight loss: it's no magic diet pill

I recently wrote about Conjugated Linoleic Acid on my blog as a way to lose fat along with taking GLA and DHA supplements. In this article they say that people who took CLA and did nothing else lost 2-4 pounds a year and that since that is not significant weight loss it's not important.  So I want to make some comments about the article here,

1)  2-4 pounds a year is what most people gain. So if we could stop the gain isn't that worth taking a pill that has as it's only ingredient something that is essential to our body?  We can't function properly without it and 80% of Americans are deficient in this ESSENTIAL fatty acid.
2) GLA Targets stomach fat!! If you could loose 4 pounds of stomach fat a year wouldn't that be great?  Stomach fat is known to be more metabolically active  and dangerous that other fat.
3) I would never suggest someone who is over weight take only a pill.  This supplement in combination with a balanced diet and light to moderate exercise could aid in more than 2-4 pounds of weight loss a year.
4) Other studies have shown that people who took CLA lost 9% body fat.

Bottom line is take 5 grams of each DHA, GLA, and CLA supplements a day.  They all help us metabolize fat better, reduce inflammation, are essential for health, reduce risk of heart attack, improve memory, and many other positives. The negatives?  Umm there aren't any.

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