Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Amazing Liver

Potential reasons for global weight gain
  1. Environmental toxins
  2. Viruses and Bacteria in the gut
  3. Fear of fats
  4. Toxic Liver
  5. Water logged tissue
  6. Excess Insulin and inflammation
  7. Stress - producing cortisol
  8. Lack of Support
 Our liver is probably the most under appreciated organ in the body and actually it is really quite amazing.  The liver performs over 400 functions in the body one of which is the detoxification for our body of chemicals, OTC and Rx meds, Alcohol, and hormones. It converts the toxins into more easily eliminated water soluble forms for disposal.  Liver toxicity from acetaminophen poisoning is by far the most common cause of acute liver failure in the United States.  The liver produces bile which helps to emulsify fats in the small intestine.  Fats are one of the most difficult nutrients for the body to digest. As I mentioned, the liver performs over 400 functions and you can not live without it. Unfortunately the liver is so strong that we would not know there is a problem until 75% of the tissue is damaged.  It has no way to signal us unlike the heart or the lungs.  It's probably safe to assume that our livers are over worked considering how little we think about them and often we abuse them.  Here are some things you can do to support your liver before it's too late.
  • Take a complete multi-vitamin every day
  • Make sure your supplements include zinc, selenium, maganese, glutathione, glutamine, and taurine
  • Drink lemon and water, a bile thinning beverage
  • Reduce over the counter meds
  • Mix a little cranberry juice in you water, cranberry opens up the detox pathway
  • Consider taking milk thistle or dandelion supplements
  • Eat plenty of vitamin c rich foods

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