Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dr. Hyman on the dangers of our drug system

If your taking Zetia this is a must read!

The Dangers of the Medical Industrial Complex
YOUR DOCTORS THINK they make decisions based on medical evidence. But they don't!
In fact, half of medical evidence is hidden from your doctors. And the half that's hidden is the half that shows drugs don't work.
The bad news is that drug companies are not policed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the way they should be. A drug should be proven both effective and safe BEFORE it is prescribed to millions of people. Sadly, that often isn't the case.
Let me share with you two recent examples that highlight the dangerous collusion between drug companies and our government agency. They show why the FDA should really stand for "Federal Drug Aid."
First, we now know that the cholesterol-lowering drug Zetia actually causes harm and leads to faster progression of heart disease DESPITE lowering cholesterol 58 percent when combined with Zocor.
This challenges the belief that high cholesterol causes heart attacks and shakes the $40 billion dollar cholesterol drug industry at its foundation.
Second, it's come to light that nearly all the negative studies on antidepressants - that's more than half of all studies on these drugs - were never published, giving a false sense of effectiveness of antidepressants to treat depression.
I'm not telling you to blame your doctor. Instead, blame deceptive scientific practices and industry-protective government polices. Let's talk a closer look at these findings and their implications.
Get the story

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